Marissa P., MA, OTR/L
Meet Ms. Marissa: the Mary Poppins fan who first joined the team as a fieldwork student, then later as a licensed Occupational Therapist! Ms. Marissa earned her Bachelor’s in Psychology from UCLA and her Master’s in Occupational Therapy from USC. This incredible OT fell in love with pediatrics during her internship at a childcare center and knew she wanted to pursue a career that would support children’s development, joyful participation in daily activities, and overall well-being.
Ms. Marissa’s love for pediatrics and dedication to the field is reflected in her accomplishments. During graduate school, she worked as a research assistant in the Innovations in Neurodevelopmental Sensory Processing Research (insp!re) lab that works to advance the knowledge of early risk signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She is also certified in the Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding and Beckman Oral Motor intervention methods. Her favorite part about working at Carrico is watching her clients do something new or difficult for the first time and sharing in the excitement with their families!
When she is not in the clinic, you can catch Ms. Marissa eating pizza, playing Scrabble, or in line for the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland!