Lan C., MA, OTR/L, SWC
Meet Mrs. Lan Carrico: Carrico Pediatric Therapy Inc.’s fabulous founder and CEO! Mrs. Lan, who earned her Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California, is a SIPT certified Occupational Therapist with advanced practice in swallowing. Before fulfilling her lifelong dream of opening her own practice in 2015, she worked in school-based, home-based, and hospital-based therapy, as well as in a high-risk NICU outpatient clinic.
Inspired by her vision to create the perfect space to treat children, Mrs. Lan made outstanding leadership and direction, hiring dedicated and qualified staff, and designing a welcoming environment her utmost priorities. Thanks to her commitment to this ideal, today she is most proud of successfully creating leaders within the company who lead with love and having the most dedicated staff who have the same mission to help as many children as possible. This mission has also been realized through Carrico’s physical and disciplinary expansion; today, Carrico Pediatric Therapy Inc. is pleased to offer Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy to kiddos all over Southern California.
Again inspired by the mission to help as many children as possible, Mrs. Lan received specialized training in Sensory Integration, SOS Approach to Feeding, Beckman Oral Motor, and NDT. These courses gave her the skills and tools to successfully treat children of all abilities and made a significant impact on her practice. This motivated her to begin co-hosting world-renowned lecturers and clinicians to better prepare her staff and clinicians around the world. Among these lecturers have been Dr. Kay Toomey with the SOS Approach to Feeding Workshop, Lois Bly with the NDT course, and Deborah Beckman with the Beckman Oral Motor Course. She also sits on the O.T. Program Advisory Board at West Coast University and participates in the standardization of pediatric assessment tools as a field researcher with Pearson.
Her hardwork and dedication have resulted in Carrico joining five other highly reputable Southern California clinics in being part of the USC Chan Division of OT, SPAN (Sensory Processing and Autism Network). Today, Carrico is part of this community-based research network that is committed to improving outcomes for individuals with sensory processing challenges and their families in everyday life. SPAN consists of clinicians, researchers and other stakeholders with one mission: to leverage our collective expertise, resources, and stakeholders to synergize goals, generate new discoveries, test/implement tailored assessments and interventions, and mobilize knowledge to influence practice, education, and policy. To learn more about the Sensory Processing and Autism Network (SPAN), please click here.Â
Mrs. Lan’s achievements and commitment to her practice prove that she truly has a heart as big as the Lone Star State from which she hails. When she is not busy running the clinics, you might find her basking in the sun on a beach in Kauai, watching Moana with her daughter, playing Hot Wheels with her sons, or enjoying her husband’s delicious home-cooked meals.