Physical Therapy
Pediatric physical therapists specialize in developing a child’s physical ability to reach their maximum potential. They help children meet their developmental milestones and navigate their environment safely. Physical therapists evaluate a child’s strength, range of motion, muscle tone, balance, reflexes, motor planning and gross motor skills (i.e., sitting, rolling, walking, running, etc.). Then they develop a plan to help the child move safely and independently.
What to expect from our Physical Therapy Team:
Our physical therapists have experience working with children with orthopedic, developmental and neurological diagnoses. They also know information about sensory integration and sensory processing difficulties, as that can also affect a child’s gross motor skills. Our PT and OT teams collaborate on a daily basis, and are able to detect any sensory delays.
Clinic Based Services
We have high quality equipment with the newest therapy tools that promotes learning in children, all while they have fun. Our Clinical Director strategically designed our clinics to meet the needs of children of all abilities. She partnered with a prominent set designer and local artist to create a visually stimulating and learning environment, that is also calming and relaxing, making our children and families feel welcomed from the moment they walk through our doors. The main gym areas have beautiful murals that entice creativity and increase a child’s arousal and attention to task, while also helping them stay regulated.
Natural Environment Based Services
The goal for all therapy is generalization. What other setting is better for this than the child’s natural environment? The natural environment includes the child’s home, preschool, daycare, park, grocery store, restaurants, etc. Our physical therapist works on improving the child’s ability to navigate their environment, while using fun and affective strategies and tools.
If your child is under the age of 3, the regional center may cover services. Please visit:
In addition, if there are any complaints, please direct them to:
School Based Services
Our Physical Therapists work on improving a child’s ability to safely navigate their learning environment. The therapist collaborates with the child’s IEP team on strategies to promote improved posture and balance for sitting and ambulating. Depending on the needs of the child, physical therapy can take place at school, home or the clinic setting.